TSC Reveals the Criteria to be Used in Deploying Primary Teachers to Junior Secondary Under CBC Implementation

TSC Chairperson, Nancy Macharia addressing a Media press
Teachers Service Commission has reveled the criteria that will be used to deploy deserving teachers to junior secondary. According to the commission CEO, Dr. Nancy Macharia, those teachers with PhD Degree, Master and Diploma from recognized Universities will be given first priorities. In addition, the teachers must also possess at least a C+ in their subjects of specialization and meet the minimum teaching units needed for Bachelors Degree in Education.

Under the new education curriculum, most workload has been schemed in secondary schools causing teacher shortage in secondary.

“Approximately 1,250,649 learners enrolled at Grade 4 in 2020 will transit to Junior secondary school (Grade 7) as the first cohort of the 2-6-3-3-3 while the 1,320,395 Standard Six cohort of 2020 will transition to Form One under 8-4-4 system in 2023,” reads the CBC task force report.

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TSC Reveals the Criteria to be Used in Deploying Primary Teachers to Junior Secondary Under CBC Implementation

Consequently, this has immensely reduced the load in primary schools. This has made the commission to opt to deploy qualified primary teachers to secondary rather than employ afresh, a move that is considered to be cheaper. Promotion and deployment of primary school teachers to junior secondary schools will be cheaper than conducting fresh recruitment. TSC will deploy 1,000 p1 graduate teachers to secondary school this financial year (2021 – 2022).

In 2023 when Grade 7 will move to Grade 8, the current Class Six learners under the 8-4-4 system will also be enrolled to Form One after sitting the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education Examinations (KCPE).

The junior secondary school will include Grades 7, 8 and 9. The pioneer pupils under the new 2-6-3-3-3 Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) system will transition to junior secondary school in 2023 after sitting the Grade 6 national examinations.

Those successfully deployed will begin at job grade C2 at a salary scale of 34,955 per month then move to the job grade C3 following completion of 3 years as specified in Career Progression Guidelines (CPG) for teachers.

Other Requirements include;

1. You must be a Kenyan citizen

2. You must be 45 years of age and below

3. You must be registered as a teacher as per Section 23 of the Teachers Service Commission Act 2012. Those without registration certificates must attach a printout of the online application /copy of payment receipt of the application for registration

4. You must have original Professional and Academic Certificates

The teachers have been agitating for better salaries for a long time. This has always seen majority of them take huge loans from the banks and the Saccos to fund their studies at the universities.

The primary school teachers who are the least paid have always shown this determination to get higher academic qualifications. This is always aimed at making them get better pay.

Luckily, TSC has scaled up its efforts to reward these teachers with higher academic qualifications. Today the teachers are promoted based on their papers. The Commission stresses on those with degrees.

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TSC Reveals the Criteria to be Used in Deploying Primary Teachers to Junior Secondary Under CBC Implementation

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  1. What about those teachers who did Bachelor’s degree in ECDE and primary option….will they also be deployed to Junior secondary?


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