TSC SWAP requirements for Teachers willing to transfer before 5yrs

TSC SWAP requirements for Teachers willing to transfer before 5yrs

Teachers serving under Teachers Service commission (TSC) can have it  possible to switch from one school to another before serving full five years in their current station either through meeting swap requirements or other guidelines.

 However, this should be done under clear guidelines provided under the latest Teachers Service Commission (TSC) policies .

Unlike in the present , teachers in the past could be stuck in their assigned schools for at least five years before they are legible for requesting a transfer.

Since the TSC transfer system aimed for teacher balance across various schools, at some point it overlooked the challenges that most married educators faced,more especially those stationed far from their families who could only afford visits during holiday seasons.

Following  the lat st TSC review of the Policies,the needs of teachers across the country are now well catered for .

Under the new review , teachers in  service for at least three years from the time of their initial appointment have good news  since they are legible to transfer before complain the 5 years .

However, the transfer must be guided under the following policies;

The Collective Bargaining Agreement which considered the plight of married couples, thus promising transfers to stations closer to their partners  however  this should be based on vacancies and teaching course.

Some of the circumstances that are considered for immediate transfer or swap include;

a).When a teacher is switching from a primary to a secondary school institution

b) once the union contract ends

C)when a teacher is granted a long-term study leave

d) when a teacher returns from a diplomatic assignment

e) Once a disciplinary action comes to an end

g) Due to medical reasons

h) once a teacher faces hostile working conditions

I) Under  situations where there is  need for more equitable teacher distribution

J) where there is a mutual swap agreement with TSC

TSC considers some of these factors before approving a transfer

The Age of the teacher , With those teachers aged 50 and above , they are prioritized during transfer requests.

Online teacher transfer applications

Online teacher transfer applications ;Image/File

The teacher Health Status ,those teachers suffering from chronic conditions among them high blood pressure and others like  diabetes normally get  transfers faster .

Teachers with different abilities ;those with  proven disabilities are given high consideration for transfer periods.

The teacher family considerations , teacher with family needs,like sick parents or children,at some point are  factored during transfer decisions.

Teacher Length of Stay: TSC normally gives transfer based on how long one has served in your current.

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