In a circular by TSC, the Officials have asked their employees to contribute any amount of cash hence facilitate the fight against the Covid-19 Pandemic that is taking root in the Country.
“Dear, TSC is playing its part in the fight against Corona Virus. You can join us by making a voluntary contribution to Pay Bill No 625625 Account No 01001005707400,” read the text message that was sent to teachers, where by they gave the payment methods; M-pesa playbill number.
The message also gave another paying method on line with the contributions; deduction of cash from the payroll.
“If you wish to contribute through the payroll visit for details. The monies will be channeled to the Kenya COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund,” read the message.
As for the kenya Public service workers that also wish to contribute, they can do it by writing a letter to the head of civil service. The letter should include the percentage of salary to be deducted and the effective date.
*Covid-19 is real, stay home be safe*