Tsc has Advertised employment opportunities for the secondary school teachers. The commission has even published the requirements for upcoming employment. After the advertisement, the commission will then invite candidates.
Teachers Service Commission and Boards of Management are required to conduct the selection exercise for the advertised vacancies in their institutions.
The Selection Panel will be expected to exercise the highest degree of transparency and accountability, as stipulated in the Public Officers Ethics Act, and TSC Code of Conduct and Ethics 2015. The Head of Institution is required to induct the panel members on the relevant sections of the Act and COURT 2015 before the commencement of the selection exercise.
The TSC County Director MUST ensure that the recruitment process is done in strict adherence to the laid down protocols by the Ministry of Health on containment of COVID- 19 pandemic.
All applicants must be registered teachers as per Section 23 (1) of the Teachers Service Commission Act, 2012. Applicants who are not registered do not qualify to be recruited.
Applicants who apply for confirmation of results from KNEC should give the address of the County Director where they have submitted their applications.
Applicants whose names differ in the certificates and/or identity cards are required to present sworn affidavit on the difference in names.
Applicants who re-sat either KCPE or KCSE examinations (or their equivalents) MUST present certified copies of the certificate(s) of the national examination(s) in question for all attempts.
Here is the score sheet that will be used by TSC during 2021 employment for Secondary school teachers
Degree (BED)
First class 40 Marks
Second Class 35 Marks
Pass 30 Marks
Maximum Score 40
From above, it is evident that there is no clear cut between those who have scored second class upper division and second class lower division. They have all been generalized into one category and awarded similar marks which seems obnoxious. This will disadvantage those who have higher qualifications when it will come to employment.
Degree + PGDE or BSC+PGDE
First class 40 Marks
Second Class 35
Pass 30
Maximum Score 40
Diploma + Dip Tech Education
Distinction 40
Credit 35
Pass 30
Maximum Score 40
Under this category, it is evident that it has been awarded more marks than before, where the commission has been awarding them 25 marks for distinction, 20 marks for credit and 15 marks for pass
Diploma in Education
Distinction 40 Marks
Credit 35 Marks
Pass 30 marks
Maximum Score 40
Under this category, it is evident that it has been awarded more marks than before, where the commission has been awarding them 25 marks for distinction, 20 marks for credit and 15 marks for pass
This is the area that has really disturbed many applicants as the commission has decided to award intern teachers more marks than expected. This has been perceived as one way of the commission keeping its word of confirming intern teachers in their respective stations.
This move by the commission has been received with both happiness and sadness at the same time, but iit has disadvantaged those teachers who graduated earlier bit did not go for internship. This 30 marks is too much and something must be done to restore equity in the commission’s hiring process.
Awarding of marks for Length of stay since qualifying as a teacher (since graduation)
Its also important to note that length of stay after graduation is weighty and it is the mother of all when it comes to scoring marks;
Length of stay since qualifying as a teacher (since graduation)
2015 and before 25marks
2016 20 marks
2017 15 marks
2018 10 marks
2019 and after 30 marks
This section has always been know to carry more marks and has been favouring majority of those who graduated earlier. But this time round, its the converse of what is expected.
Awarding of marks for Length of stay since qualifying as a teacher for those previously employed by TSC
2020 and after 25 Marks
2019-2018 20 marks
2017-2016 15 marks
2015-2014. 10
2013 and before 5
NB:For purposes of scoring part B, year of completion of professional training
(BED or PGDE) whose certificate is used to score part A of this score sheet
determines the length of stay but not year of enhancement.
Advantage of Communication ability and Co-curricular certificate of participation
One who has a co-curricular certificate of participation will also stand higher chances of scoring more marks. This part is very crucial when it comes to breaking of ties.
Communication Ability 2
Participation in Co-curricular activities 1
Students’ academic performance(Exam Record) 1
Special Talent(s) 1
So as to be on a safe side, its important to provide evidence by producing a document to score above marks.NB:No candidate should score zero in this section
It is important to note that good command in communication and convincing confidence level will put you in a good position to secure a job with TSC.
Finally, Ensure that your content mastery in your teaching subjects is commendable.
Will u please confirm primary interns ?
Don’t be afraid of facing that panel. Have faith .