TSC clarifies the fate of Thousands of P1 teachers with KCSE mean grade of C Plain 

TSC clarifies the fate of Thousands of P1 teachers with KCSE mean grade of C Plain


Now despite spending a lot of money on higher academic papers, a group of primary school teachers has been struggling for a long time.


Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has stopped automatically promoting primary and secondary school teachers who upgrade their certificates since January 2014.

Then this  is because TSC was ordered by the government to prohibit all promotions based on academic qualifications.

TSC on the other hand, developed a more rewarding program for instructors. It did away with Schemes of Service (SoS), which promised automatic advancement for teachers who pursued further education.

The  TSC gave teachers Career Progression Guidelines (CPG) in place of SoS. The Commission is more concerned about teacher performance than academic papers, according to TSC CEO Nancy Macharia.


Starting in 2016, the Commission has focused more on upgrading and training teachers on TPAD (Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development).


The CPG is preferable to SoS, according to the teacher’s employer, because it has ended teacher employment stagnation.


The  criticism from Diploma teachers and teachers who have improved their certifications, on the other hand, has raised questions about CPG’s effectiveness.


Equal despite presenting their academic certifications for promotion, the teachers have only gotten a thank you message and recognition letters from TSC. Teachers only use their degrees when it is absolutely necessary.

The deployed teachers must also have a C+ in KCSE and a C+ in the teaching courses in addition to having a degree secondary choice. This fiscal year (2021–2022), TSC deployed 1,000 p1 graduate teachers to teach in high schools. TSC stated that the teachers will assist in ensuring a seamless transition from primary to secondary school. TSC offered 1,000 deployment positions in 2019 and 1,000 more in September of last year. In July of this year, the Commission announced 1,000 deployment positions for PTE certificate holders to apply for.


Those deployed began at job grade C2 with a monthly pay of 34,955 and will progress to job grade C3 after three years, according to the Career Progression Guidelines for Teachers.

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