SEKU hostel booking.

In Seku, booking hostels can be done manually or online. The rooms are given to the students fairly based on the arrival time and if one has finished paying the tuition fee and the accommodation fee.

The Directorate of Catering and Accommodation Services falls under Division of Finance, Planning Development and is headed by the Director, who, with her team of well qualified staff undertake its operations.

Our students are accommodated in the Main Campus. Both government sponsored and self-sponsored students are accommodated on a first come first served basis upon clearance on tuition and accommodation fees.
Currently, SEKU has eight hostels, namely: Victoria, Turkwell, Elementaita, Athi, Baringo, Yatta, Magadi and Turkana. A number of the hostels have attached kitchens to serve the residents. Kitchen One serves the rest of the hostels. The students are served with well-prepared quality meals at affordable prices at the kitchens.
The Directorate also runs a modern guest house with premier accommodation and quality catering services to our staff and other guests. Further, CAS operates a staff cafeteria in the administrations building that serves mouthwatering snacks, meals and beverages to all university staff, students and other guests.
At the Directorate of Catering and Accommodation, we believe that the students are our number one customers. We are ready to respond to our customer needs.

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