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Home Education Reasons why The Kenya National Assembly rejected Presdent Uhuru’s Tsc nominees

Reasons why The Kenya National Assembly rejected Presdent Uhuru’s Tsc nominees

The president of Kenya being the head of the nation, normally appoints people to serve in the Teachers Service Commission. This year, our esteemed president appointed Mbage Njuguna and Miss Leila Abdi.

To the disappointment of many, the president’s appointees have  been rejected by the Education Committee of the Kenya National assembly.

They also gave reasons why the two could not qualify to work with the Tsc.

  1. The committee says that the two who were due to fill vacancies at the commission for Northeastern and the youth did not meet the cut.

Njuguna who is  a 64 year  old could not make into the list on ground of age restrictions and his appointment would lock out youths from being represented. Another concern raised by the commission is that despite having academic qualifications, Njuguna lacks basic knowledge and understanding of TSC operations.

Njuguna has a Bachelor of Law degree from the University of Nairobi and two postgraduate degrees- MA in International Business Law and MA in Agricultural Development – all from the University of London

Ali lacks at least 10 years experience in matters relating to education, governance and management which was one of the qualification as per the commission. She was also found to lack the necessary academic qualifications and professional experience required for a member of the commission.

They now have to wait until next Tuesday when Parliamentary sittings resumes and the debate tabled before the members. MPs will have to vote at the plenary. Should the House adopt the Kimunya report, President Kenyatta will revisit the selection panel’s report to pick fresh nominees.

If the National Assembly rejects any or all of the subsequent nominees submitted by the President for approval, fresh applications would be called. The interview panel’s report shows that nine nominees were selected, a list from which the President settled for Njuguna and Ali.

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