Nyambaria High School is in Nyamira County (Kitutu Masaba Constituency).
Nyambaria High School is a boys boarding secondary school.
Nyambaria High School is a secondary school located in Nyamira County, Kenya. It is a Seventh-day Adventist school that was established in 1966 as a small school, with few dormitories, but has grown considerably since then. Nyambaria School now has a student population of 1150. It is part of the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s worldwide educational system.The performance of the school has been impressive and on a positive trend, except in 2009 where the mean dropped the mean by negative 1.1046. this was due to post election skirmishes of the disputed general elections. Unlike in 2007 whereby the school was ranked position 59 nationally and position 5 in Nyanza province, 2009s group secured position 27 in Nyanza province.
The school has always been leading in the district level with it’s impressive academic performance which has seen the enrollment of more students every year, and currently it has a population of about 1155 students whereby the highest enrollment of form ones was done.
The school has an active record in co- curricular activities having reached the nationals levels in drama, rugby, music, science congress and indoor games. The students are also involved in contests, symposia, discussions and excursions which has contributed to the positive representation in co- curricular activities, It also helps in nurturing their talents as they prepare to face the future.MOTTO: EDUCATION FOR LIFE.” Shows that the school is committed to education and to achieve the best of nothing but the best.
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