MoE List of Schools that Received the BoM Funds ; Download List

Kenya Secondary Schools Heads Association (KESSHA) chairman Kahi Indimuli recently confirmed that the much awaited monies which was to be used to pay BOM teachers and non teaching staff had reached school accounts and they could expect payment by that week. He said that the said  monies were to hit school accounts at different intervals as is the norm.

After Speaking   through a popular TV station Mr Indimuli said their should be no more speculations since the government had released the money and school principals were to pay their staff using the available criteria.

So far, only a few BoM teachers have received their Salaries which is good, those who have not yet received their Salaries should be Abit patient. This is because the cash has not yet reflected in some banks.

List of Schools that Received the BoM teachers funds CLICK HERE to Download

The cash was released by the government to help in cushioning BoM teachers and the support stuff in schools during these hard Corona times.

Yesterday the ministry of education released a list of Schools that received the money that should be paid to the BoM teachers and the Support Stuff.

The ministry has also asked teachers who will not have received their pay by the end of next week to write to the County Directors of Education in their respective counties.

List of Schools that Received the BoM teachers funds CLICK HERE to Download

Read also: List of Registered BoM teachers in each county

TSC new interview dates and venues in each county

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