Maryhillgirls location,contacts,fees,portal login,photos and KCSE performance.

Maryhill girls high school is a girl’s national high school  situated in thika  along gatukuyu road.

Short history.

The school was founded in 1933 by missionary women. The school is Catholic sponsored. Its located at thika-Gatukuyu road. It has a population of approximately 1600 female students. It has all subjects under the 8:4:4 system. It offers most co-curricular activities I.e drama,hockey,swimming lessons,volley ball and handball.


School address: Maryhill girls school P.O BOX 90100,Thika.


Knec code:11200006

Phone number:0704983017

Tel: 0202011779

Webpage: http://schools we =result.

The school admits students with above 350 marks in their KCPE examinations.


To provide equal educational apportunities for the Kenyan girlchild. To develop her full potential in a multicultural and competitive environment through discipline,moral and spiritual development and to foster skills in self reliance,leadership and responsibility based on teamwork,efficiency, commitment and deligency.

MOTTO: Toil for excellence.

VISION: make maryhill school a centre of excellence .


It is known for good performance over many years.In the year 2018  the performance index was recorded to be  76.826 out of 185 students. 2019 candidates are 337 in number.

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