This is a public national boys boarding secondary school located in Kericho county. The school offers quality 8-4-4 education to its students under the Kenyan curriculum. The students needs are classified as ordinary.
School motto; Discipline and hardwork.
School vision; To be a leading centre of excellence in the country.
School mission; To provide a condusive teaching and learning environment with an aim of producing an all round student equipped with requisite knowledge and skills for the future development of a working nation.
Kabianga High School location;
Kabianga high school is located in or near Kabianga town in Belgut constituency, Kericho county, Kenya. The school is situated in such a place that makes it condusive for anyone to find it, either via using maps or in person.
Kabianga High School Contacts;
School’s KNEC code; 28553202
School’s postal address; P.O. Box 18- 20201, Kabianga, Kenya.
Telephone/ mobile number; 0726013528
Kabianga high school 2020 results Analysis
In the 2020 KCSE examinations the school posted a mean score of 8.9935 which is a B (plain).
The school had a candidature of 310 candidates in the KCSE 2020 exam.
In the just released KCSE 2020 results, the school posted an impressive mean score of 8.9935 which is a B (plain) .
Out of the 310 candidates, 276 candidates managed to score above C+ (plus), which is the minimum university entry grade. This translates to a percentage of 89% securing direct entry to university under the placement body, KUCCPS.
Six candidates scored straight As, which is the highest attainable grade. 53 scored A- Minus while 88 managed to score B+.
Here is a complete distribution of grades for the school in KCSE 2020 results;
Grade | Entry |
A | 6 |
A- | 53 |
B+ | 88 |
B | 53 |
B- | 49 |
C+ | 27 |
C | 26 |
C- | 7 |
D+ | 1 |
D | 0
See also
St. Peters Nyakemincha high school 2020 KCSE Results,Fee structure and Contacts
Maranda high school Results 2020, School Uniform, Fee Structure and Contacts
Kebirigo High school Results Analysis 2020, Contacts, Songs and Fee structure
Kisii School Results 2020, Songs, School fee structure, Location and Contacts
Riokindo Boys high school Results Analysis 2021, Songs, Fee structure and Contacts
Asumbi girls high School 2020 Results, Fee structure, location, contacts and other details
Asumbi girls high School 2020 Results, Fee structure, location, contacts and other details
Sori Secondary school Results Analysis 2020, Location, Contacts and school fee structure
Kabianga High school KCSE Results 2020, Fee Structure, Contacts and other details
Kitui High school KCSE Results Analysis 2020, Contacts, Fee structure and other details
Riambese mixed Secondary school 2020 KCSE Results, Contacts and school fees Structure
Kitui High school KCSE Results Analysis 2020, Contacts, Fee structure and other details