How to replace lost or burnt Birth certificate with ease in kenya; procedure

A birth certificate should often come after a baby has been born to a Kenyan parent. A parent who has given birth at hospital is issued with a birth notification card that will help them attain the birth certificate.

The birth notification card has the baby’s details: gender, three names,home town, parent names, date of birth e.t.c

If the birth notification card gets lost, here is what to do:

See also: how to replace burnt or lost KCSE and KCPE certificates here.

How do I get my birth certificate without birth notification?

If you do not have a birth notification, there is no need to panic. You should visit the local sub-chief’s office where you will be given the necessary documentation. If possible, you should provide any other document that can validate your date of birth such as the baptismal card.

There you have it. A simple and detailed guide on birth certificate application. Follow this guide when applying for a new certificate or replacing a lost one. If you have any issues relating to birth certificate replacement or application, there is no need to panic. All you need to do is to visit a nearby Huduma centre and submit your queries. The registration officials will advise you on the way forsaf.

How to replace my lost birth certificate in Kenya:

To be given a new birth cirtificate/ to replace a lost birth certificate in Kenya is quite easy. Below are the basic requirements to enable you replace your birth certificate:


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  1. A friend lost her birth certificate and she is currently in kiambu. She needs to replace it so that she may apply for identify card. Is there a way out or she has to go back to the village since she doesn’t have a photocopy of the same?


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