CAS Kinuthia’s Message to the Unpaid BoM Teachers


CAS Kinuthia has always shown concern about the unpaid BoM teachers. Despite the money having been released to schools, majority of the Principals are reluctant with paying the BoM teachers their Salaries. This in return has made many teachers lose Their patience.

CAS Kinuthia yesterday came out to saay that some BoM teachers have tried reaching him as they have not yet received their pay. He then Gave a go ahead to the suffering teachers. Below is what he said;

“There are two sets of BOM Teachers. One is paid, the other is not yet paid. The paid is grateful, the unpaid is suffering. Both are Right. Let me say the following. The two represent what is on the ground. I will appreciate all feedback.


Those who are yet to be paid will need to do the following Write to or Call Your Heads. If the Head has not yet received the money, the Head should write to the Sub County Director of Education. SCDE will escalate all the way to us. From here, I will act through the Line State Department. Don’t lose your calm yet. And don’t Insult me privately. I am not GUILTY. I am not the Arsonist. I am trying to put off the fire for you,” said Kinuthia.

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