124 Schools to Face Permanent closure Reports KPSA Chairman


For the past five months that Schools have been closed down due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the harsh effects of the pandemic have continued to take root as the numbers of the patients are increasing day in day out. The effects of Corona Virus are now felt in the education sector as 124 private schools face closure over lack of funds.

Precious Gift Komarock, Nairobi is one such school as it had their property put up for auction including desks, computers and school buses.

At least 124 schools have written to the Kenya Private Schools Association KPSA about imminent closure and have asked learners to look for alternatives.

Students during a lesson at Kibra Primary School. Dr Stella Bosire studied at the school before she was expelled in Class Five.

KPSA Chairman Peter Ndoro warned that the situation could get worse and the effects could trickle down to public schools.

“We have data of 124 schools that have 43,000 students that have said they cannot open in January because they cannot pay rent and meet operational costs.

“The 43,000 students will join public schools and that will mean the numbers in public schools will rise considerably and schools will struggle to achieve social distancing,” he warned.

The situation is being worsened by banks not issuing loans to private schools due to the uncertainty of private schools during the pandemic.

Light Academy in Karen, Nairobi adapted to the pandemic as it resorted to charging online classes in order to cater for teachers’ salaries.

“As you know the income is parents paying school fees, when they pay we cater for our teaching and non-teaching staff,” explained the headteacher.

On Thursday, July 23, Education CAS Zack Kinuthua indicated that the Ministry was considering paying BOM staff to cushion them from the effects of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.

Ministry of Education announced the nullification of the 2020 school calender with schools expected to reopen in January

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