The inter transfer of universities by students here in Kenya, is always done after a student gets university admission letter. If the student or parent are not satisfied with the university placed to,they can the go through the Changing process. Below is the procedure;
- Then click on inter institution transfers
- Box will appear like the one below
- Fill all the details appropriately
Take NOTE of the details below
Details on the inter-transfer of universities
- Non-Refundable Fee of 1,000 MUST be paid before processing Inter Institution Transfer.
- Relevant Reasons for application for transfer must be provided
- That the Inter University / College is :
(a) Considered only if the applicant meets the cut off for the course they want to move to and there is still capacity in that course .
(b) Apply to courses in different Universities / Colleges.
Consider Inter-faculty transfer if courses are in the same University / College
(c) Valid after approval by the respective University / College and KUCCPS.
- (d) Where NOT Approved, then the candidate is retained in the course placed in.
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