TSC; Successful Teacher promotion Exercise to Entirely Depend on These 4 Factors 

TSC Chairperson, Nancy Macharia addressing a Media press

Any Successful Teacher promotion Exercise Will Now Entirely Depend on These 4 Factors


The teacher promotion lists and letters are for the past promotions are already available on TSC portal .


As per to the Commission’s findings, a variety of variables were taken into account while determining the final list of promoted teachers.


Teacher promotions has entirely depended on these three factors


1.Regional balance,


2.Gender equity,


3. Affirmative action for ASAL (Arid and Semi-Arid Lands) counties,


4 Credentials for teachers to be promoted to the next level


The three were taken into account by TSC’s standards.


The Commission further goes on to say that the last promotions were dispersed fairly throughout the regions.


As per to TSC, the Promotion is directed by the present Collective Bargaining Agreement’s (CBA) career development criteria.


“All open positions are publicized and filled through a competitive process. “Through interview sessions, all teachers are given equal opportunities.” TSC declares.


In addition to the required credentials for teachers to be promoted to the next level, the above factors were taken into account.





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